Top 5 Compatible Tank Mates for Neocaridina Freshwater Shrimp

Top 5 Compatible Tank Mates for Neocaridina Freshwater Shrimp
If you're a fan of keeping freshwater shrimp, you probably know how important it is to choose the right tank mates. Some fish and other aquatic creatures can pose a threat to your shrimp, and it's essential to select peaceful species that won't harm them. In this article, we'll go over the top 5 compatible tank mates for neocaridina freshwater shrimp, so you can create a harmonious aquarium environment for your beloved pets.


Neocaridina like most shrimp species mostly reside on the bottom of the tank. This allows the opportunity to add tank mates to help occupy the middle and the top of the water column. Looks like an opportunity to go shopping for some new fish.



1. Otocinclus Catfish (Otocinclus affinis)

Otocinclus catfish, also known as "Otos," are a popular choice for planted aquariums, and they make excellent tank mates for neocaridina shrimp. These tiny catfish are peaceful and non-aggressive, and they won't harm your shrimp. "Otos" are also great algae eaters, which can be helpful in keeping your tank clean.


Otocinclus have been for sale in the aquarium trade since the early 1990s. It has been popular since at least 2000



2. Micro Rasboras


Micro Rasboras are a very peaceful group of fish that can coexist with neocaridina shrimp. These fish are known for their striking colorations, fun schooling behaviors, and easy going natures. Micro rasboras are generally too small to even predate on shrimp fry. Chili RasborasPhoenix Rasboras, Pygmy Rasboras, Kubotai Rasboras, Glowlight Rasboras, and Emerald Dwarf Rasboras are a few of the many Rasboras that can live harmoniously with Neocaridina shrimp.



Chili Rasboras do great with shrimp! Particularly because the smaller, non-predatory species of shrimp won't eat them, and they're unlikely to eat shrimpletes. 


Kubotai Rasboras are fairly easy in care as long as they live in stable water parameters with good water quality.


3. Ember Tetra (Hyphessobrycon amandae)

Ember tetras are a beautiful and peaceful fish species that can live happily alongside neocaridina shrimp. These tiny fish have a vibrant orange-red color, and they're very active and playful. Ember tetras are a great choice for small aquariums and can add a pop of color to your tank.


Ember Tetras complement Neocaridina Shrimp both in vibrant color and size. This is way you will find these living together in aquascaped aquariums.



4. Celestial Pearl Danio (Danio margaritatus)

Celestial pearl danios, also known as galaxy rasboras, are a stunning fish species that can coexist with neocaridina shrimp. These fish have a shimmering, iridescent blue color and a peaceful temperament. Celestial pearl danios are also great jumpers, so make sure your tank has a secure lid.



At an adult size of about ¾ to 7/8 of an inch, including the tail, Celestial Pearl Danios (CPD) seems perfect for the popular desktop tanks or nano tanks, but only one male can be kept in such a small space.



5. Pygmy Corydoras (Corydoras pygmaeus)

Pygmy corydoras are a tiny catfish species that are perfect for small aquariums. These fish have a peaceful temperament and won't harm your neocaridina shrimp. Pygmy Corydoras are also great at keeping the tank clean and free of debris, making them a helpful addition to any shrimp tank.


Corydoras have the ability to breathe air intestinally, so a small gap should be left between the surface of the water and the cover slides in order for the fish to come up to the surface and take air in.


The Salt and Pepper Pygmy Cory Catfish (Corydoras habrosus) is a very animated, distinctively marked schooling fish that is perfect for the community and planted aquarium





Can neocaridina shrimp live with betta fish?

No, betta fish can be aggressive and may attack and kill neocaridina shrimp. It's best to avoid keeping these two species together.


Can neocaridina shrimp live with snails?
Yes, neocaridina shrimp can coexist with snails, such as nerite snails or mystery snails. However, make sure to choose snail species that won't harm your shrimp.


Can neocaridina shrimp live with guppies?

It's not recommended to keep guppies with neocaridina shrimp, as guppies can be aggressive and may prey on your shrimp.


What other shrimp species are compatible with neocaridina shrimp?

Other shrimp species that are compatible with neocaridina shrimp include cherry shrimp, crystal red shrimp, and amano shrimp. Just make sure to avoid keeping aggressive shrimp species with neocaridina shrimp.


How many tank mates should I add to my neocaridina shrimp tank?

It's important to avoid overcrowding your shrimp tank, as this can lead to stress and aggression among your pets. As a general rule, it's recommended to add no more than one fish per gallon of water, and to avoid adding too many tank mates to your shrimp tank.



6. Corydoras Catfish (Corydoras sp.)

Corydoras catfish are another peaceful species that can coexist with neocaridina shrimp. These fish are known for their cute, whiskered faces and playful personalities. Like Otos, Corydoras catfish are great at keeping the tank clean and free of debris. Peppered Cory Catfish, Juli Cory Catfish, and Long Finned Panda Cory Catfish are a few of the many Corydoras that can live with Neocaridina.


 The Peppered Cory Catfish (try saying that three times) is a very peaceful schooling fish that is compatible with most nano aquarium animals





Juli Cory Cats can be shy, so providing adequate places for the fish to hide is important. Hardscape such as driftwood can provide the shelter that it needs. Aquarium plants with large leaves can be beneficial as well.




In conclusion, choosing compatible tank mates for your neocaridina freshwater shrimp is essential for creating a peaceful and harmonious aquarium environment. Otocinclus and Corydoras catfish, Ember tetras, Celestial pearl danios, and Pygmy corydoras are all great choices for tank mates that won't harm your shrimp. By selecting the right species, you can create a beautiful and thriving shrimp tank that both you and your pets will enjoy.



Explore other articles about Neocaridina Below.




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