Dear Crabby: The Advice column for Lovers of Freshwater Invertebrates

Dear Crabby: The Advice column for Lovers of Freshwater Invertebrates


September 13th 2024

Dear Crabby Column

Shrimp Molts, Snail Surprises, and Dietary Dilemmas!


Welcome back to "Dear Crabby," where we tackle your toughest freshwater invertebrate questions! This week, we’re covering shrimp molts, those unexpected snail stowaways, and what to do when your shrimp seem to get picky about their food. Let’s jump right in!

Dear Crabby,

I keep finding molts in my shrimp tank, and I was wondering—should I remove them? Is leaving them in the tank going to hurt my shrimp?

Shell Shocked

Dear Shell Shocked,

Great question! Finding molts in your shrimp tank can be a little startling at first, but the good news is that leaving them in the tank won’t hurt your shrimp. In fact, molts are actually beneficial!

Here’s why:

  • Nutrient Recycling: Shrimp will often eat their old exoskeletons after molting to reclaim essential nutrients like calcium, which helps them form their new shell.

  • Natural Process: It’s a completely natural part of shrimp life, and the molts break down over time. Removing them isn’t necessary unless you feel like the tank is getting cluttered.

However, if you notice that molts are sticking around for too long and starting to rot, you can safely remove them during regular tank maintenance. Otherwise, your shrimp will handle it themselves—just another example of how efficient these little critters are!

Dear Crabby

Dear Crabby,

I recently noticed a bunch of tiny snails in my aquarium, but I never bought any snails! Where did they come from, and how do I control them without harming my other invertebrates?

Snail Shocked

Dear Snail Shocked,

Surprise snails—one of the aquarium hobby’s most common mysteries! These little hitchhikers likely arrived on plants or décor that you added to your tank. They’re often harmless but can quickly become a nuisance if they overpopulate.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Manual Removal: Start by regularly removing any visible snails or egg clusters. This is a simple but effective way to control their population.

  • Snail Traps: You can create or purchase a snail trap to capture them. Bait it with a small piece of cucumber or lettuce overnight, then remove the snails in the morning.

  • Predators: If you want to naturally control the snail population, consider adding an invertebrate-friendly snail predator like Assassin Snails. They’ll keep the snail numbers down without harming your shrimp or crabs.

  • Over Feeding: When you feed more than what your inhabitants can consume, the extra food will get eaten by the pest snails, which will over run the tank.

Keeping an eye on your tank and regularly removing the snails should prevent any major infestations. Happy snail wrangling!

Dear Crabby

Dear Crabby,

I’ve got some Amano Shrimp in my tank, but lately, they’ve been picky eaters. They used to go after everything, but now they only seem interested in certain foods. What’s going on?

Shrimp Chef

Dear Shrimp Chef,

Shrimp can be surprisingly particular about their food, but don’t worry—there are a few reasons this might be happening.

  • Overfeeding: If your Amano Shrimp have plenty of algae and biofilm to graze on, they might not be interested in supplemental food. Try cutting back on feeding for a few days to see if their appetite for other foods returns.

  • Food Preferences: Like all inverts, Amano Shrimp have their favorite foods. While they’ll eat algae and detritus, you can also try offering them high-quality shrimp pellets, blanched veggies, or protein-rich foods like bloodworms to entice them.

  • Water Quality: Poor water quality can sometimes affect their appetite, so make sure your water parameters are stable and clean. Regular water changes can help stimulate their appetite as well.

Once you find the right balance of food and environment, your shrimp should go back to their old eating habits!

Dear Crabby


That wraps up this week’s "Dear Crabby"! Whether you’re managing shrimp molts, battling snail invasions, or dealing with picky shrimp, there’s always something new to learn in the world of freshwater inverts. Got more questions? Send them in, and you might see your query featured next time!

Got a question? Email it to, and you could be featured in our next newsletter. Until next time, happy shrimping and snail wrangling!


August 30th, 2024

Dear Crabby Column

Vampire Crabs, Shrimp Shenanigans, and Missing Pom-Poms!

Welcome to another edition of "Dear Crabby," where I tackle your crustacean conundrums and help you create the perfect environment for your freshwater inverts! This week, we’re diving into the details of setting up a Vampire Crab habitat, understanding Vampire Shrimp behavior, and figuring out why those adorable Pom Pom Crabs might be missing their signature accessories. Let’s get cracking!

Dear Crabby,

I’ve been watching a lot of videos online about setting up a proper tank for Vampire Crabs. Some setups look very elaborate and expensive, while others seem too simple and might not offer enough for the crabs to feel comfortable. What advice can you give me on creating the best habitat for my soon-to-be Vampire Crabs without breaking the bank?

Future Crab Daddy

Dear Future Crab Daddy,

I’m thrilled to hear you’re getting ready to welcome some Vampire Crabs into your home! Creating a comfortable and enriching habitat for them is key to keeping them happy and healthy, and it doesn’t have to cost a fortune.

Here’s what you need to focus on:

  • Tank Size and Layout: A 10-gallon tank is a good starting point for a small group of Vampire Crabs. These crabs need both land and water areas, so aim for a paludarium setup with about 70% land and 30% water. You can create land areas using rocks, driftwood, or even a DIY foam background. Just ensure they have enough hiding spots and climbing opportunities.

  • Substrate: Use a mix of coconut fiber (coir) and sand to create a moist substrate. This mimics their natural habitat and allows them to burrow, which they love to do.

  • Water Quality: The water area doesn’t need to be deep, but it should be clean and dechlorinated. Adding live plants can help maintain water quality and give the crabs something to explore.

  • Temperature and Humidity: Keep the tank’s temperature between 75-82°F (24-28°C) and maintain high humidity, around 75-85%. A misting system or regular spraying will help with this.

  • Decorations and Hiding Spots: You don’t need to spend a lot on fancy decorations. Natural materials like rocks, driftwood, and leaf litter can create a great environment. The crabs will appreciate plenty of places to hide and explore.

  • Lighting: Vampire Crabs don’t need intense lighting, but a low-wattage light on a 12-hour cycle can help maintain the day-night rhythm.

By focusing on these key elements, you can create a comfortable and enriching environment for your Vampire Crabs without going overboard on expenses. Your crabs will be content in a setup that meets their needs, regardless of whether it’s simple or elaborate.

Good luck with your new crustacean companions!

Dear Crabby


Dear Crabby,

I have a 20-gallon aquarium where I keep several Vampire Shrimp. Lately, I've noticed that they've been picking at the sand bed with their fan-like appendages. Are they searching for food, or could there be another reason for this behavior?

Curious Caretaker

Dear Curious Caretaker,

Your observation is spot-on! Vampire Shrimp use their fan-like appendages, often called "floaters," to filter food particles from the water. When they’re picking at the sand bed, it’s a sign that they’re likely trying to gather any edible debris or detritus that’s settled there.

This behavior can happen for a couple of reasons:

  • Food Availability: If there’s not enough food suspended in the water column, they might start foraging on the substrate to find more to eat. Consider supplementing their diet with finely ground foods that remain suspended longer, like powdered shrimp food or finely crushed algae wafers.

  • Instinctual Foraging: Even if food is plentiful, they might just be following their natural foraging instincts. In the wild, these shrimp will often sift through substrate to capture food particles.

To ensure your Vampire Shrimp are getting enough to eat, you can feed them in an area with a moderate current that will help push the floating food into their floaters. This way, they can efficiently capture the food they need to thrive. Keep up the great care, and your shrimp will continue to thrive!

Dear Crabby


Dear Crabby,

I have a group of Freshwater Pom Pom Crabs, and I’ve recently noticed that some of them no longer have their adorable pom-poms on their arms. I'm really concerned—what could be causing this? Please help!

"Cheer" Mom

Dear "Cheer" Mom,

Thank you for your question! Freshwater Pom Pom Crabs are adorable little critters, and those "pom-poms" on their claws are actually specialized hair-like structures called setae, which they use to catch food particles in the water. If some of your crabs have lost their pom-poms, don't worry too much—they can regenerate them over time, especially after molting.

Several factors might have caused the loss of their pom-poms:

  • Molting Process: During molting, crabs shed their exoskeleton to grow, and sometimes the setae may not be as developed immediately after a molt. Give them a bit of time, and you might see those pom-poms come back.

  • Inadequate Diet: If your crabs aren't getting enough nutrients, their ability to maintain or regrow their pom-poms could be affected. Ensure they're receiving a balanced diet that includes both plant matter and protein-rich foods.

  • Water Quality: Poor water conditions can stress your crabs, potentially leading to issues with their setae. Regular water changes and maintaining optimal water parameters will help keep your crabs healthy.

Keep an eye on your little cheerleaders, and they should be back to waving their pom-poms soon!

Dear Crabby

That wraps up this week’s "Dear Crabby"! Remember, whether you’re a seasoned aquarist or just starting out, there’s always something new to learn about caring for your aquatic invertebrates. If you have a question you’d like answered, don’t hesitate to reach out—your query might just be featured in the next edition!

Got a question? Email it to, and you might see it answered in our weekly newsletter. Until next time, keep those tanks clean and those claws clicking!